Some of my poet friends know that, in addition to writing about being a transgender woman and growing up in Appalachia, I also write erotica. I have a rough draft of a novel, and my erotic poetry has appeared in several issues of “Wicked Gay Ways” and in other publications. Recently, I did an Internet search for other outlets for my erotic poetry, and I was drawn to “Trash Sandwich Magazine.” It is unlike any other publication to which I have submitted. It is even more explicit than “Wicked Gay Ways.”
I was absolutely thrilled to see my poem “Free Love” included in “Trash Sandwich Magazine Issue 10,” which was released at the very end of 2022. The way my poem was presented was brilliant and not at all like it appeared on the page when I submitted it, and the artwork included in the magazine is also amazing, and as I cautioned above, very explicit.
Exploring sexuality has been a big part of my life, and I do have to admit that I am struggling with finding my way as a transgender woman. Transition involves so very many aspects of my life, and sometimes it is still overwhelming.
“Trash Sandwich Magazine Issue 10” is available for a “name your own price” purchase at:
Barbara Marie Minney is a transgender woman, award-winning poet, writer, speaker, and quiet activist. She is a retired attorney and a seventh generation Appalachian. Now based in Tallmadge, Ohio, her first collection of poetry entitled “If There’s No Heaven” was the winner of the 2020 Poetry Is Life Book Award and the Akron Beacon Journal Best Northeast Ohio Books 2020. It is available through this website at Barbara is also the author of the "Poetic Memoir Chapbook Challenge." Follow her at