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Barbara's poem "Suicide Is Not Painless" is included in a mental health anthology to support charity

I am happy that my poem “Suicide Is Not Painless” has been included in the mental health anthology, titled ‘Pluviophile', available at

I am proud of my work.  I am also proud that the anthology supports charity.  I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life, so mental health issues are close to my heart. This anthology contains amazing messages and aims to shed light on difficult issues.


Altman was wrong

suicide is not painless

I have sometimes

romanticized it in my mind

my literary heroes all did themselves in

Hemingway, Brautigan, Gellhorn, Plath

all found reasons to end it all

even poor Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain

could no longer keep the howling hounds of pain at bay

suicide may end your pain

but the pain of those 

you left behind 

has just begun.

Copyright 2019 by Barbara Marie Minney. All Rights Reserved.

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