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I had such an amazing time as a featured reader at Uncloistered Poetry Live in Toledo in July that I am really looking forward to returning this weekend to read as part of the Women of Appalachia Project’s “Women Speak” tour. The reading will take place on Saturday, August 12th from 1 – 3 PM at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library, McMaster Center, 325 N. Michigan Street, Toledo, Ohio. I am scheduled to be the first reader.

I have been involved with the Women of Appalachia Project for four years now, and I was thrilled and honored that my poem “Queer in the Holler” has been accepted for publication in the Women of Appalachia Project’s Women Speak, 15th Anniversary Volume.

Marilyn and I are heading to Toledo on Friday. We have always wanted to visit the National Museum of the Great Lakes, which we have seen featured on several TV shows, and we are looking forward to that as well.

Barbara Marie Minney is a transsexual woman, award-winning poet, writer, speaker, teaching artist, and quiet activist. She is a retired attorney and a seventh generation Appalachian. Now based in Tallmadge, Ohio, her first collection of poetry entitled “If There’s No Heaven” was the winner of the 2020 Poetry Is Life Book Award and the Akron Beacon Journal Best Northeast Ohio Books 2020. It is available through this website at Barbara is also the author of the "Poetic Memoir Chapbook Challenge," and the forthcoming "Dance Naked With God." Follow her at

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