An amazing thing happened over the weekend. I was contacted through this very website by Tamara Natoli, who will be teaching a writing course this summer to teen girls as part of the National Writing Project, and she was hoping to get my permission to share my poem "Bubble Wrap" with them. She read my poem in the Grito de Mujer Anthology, "Woman Scream." It also provides the title to my own collection, "If There's No Heaven," which is still available for purchase.
The class will be called "Girls Have Something To Say," and the theme will be social justice and intersectional feminism to inspire writing of all types. Of course, I gave my permission.
One of my poems is going to be used in an academic setting!
Barbara Marie Minney is a transgender woman, poet, writer, speaker, and quiet activist. She is a retired attorney and originally from West Virginia. Now based in Tallmadge, Ohio, her first collection of poetry entitled “If There’s No Heaven” was the winner of the 2020 Poetry Is Life Book Award and the Akron Beacon Journal Best Northeast Ohio Books 2020. It is available at Follow her at